Trying to rescue her home planet from destruction, a gorgeous extraterrestrial named Celeste arrives on Earth and begins her scientific research. She woos quirky scientist Dr. Steve Mills, a widower with a young daughter. Before long, Celeste finds herself in love with Steve and her new life on Earth, where she experiences true intimacy for the first time. But when she loses sight of her mission, she begins to question where she belongs.
Steven Mills
Celeste Martin
Ron Mills
Jessie Mills
Lucas Budlong
Fred Glass
The Voice of the Bag (voice)
Council Chief
_**Weird 80’s comedy in the silly mold of “Earth Girls are Easy” and “Coneheads”**_ A low-paid widowed scientist (Dan Aykroyd) makes contact with aliens and they send an agent (Kim Basinger) to meet him. She has a one-eyed serpentine counselor in her purse and ends up marrying the physicist, even though the counselor’s intention is to destroy the planet (!). Alyson Hannigan plays the winsome daughter while Jon Lovitz is on hand as the researcher’s annoying brother. “My Stepmother Is an Alien” (1988) is cut from the same cloth as the contemporaneous “Earth Girls are Easy.” Although it’s n...
Status Released
Original LanguageEnglish
Revenue $13,854,000.00