Guillermo del Toro presents Mama, a supernatural thriller that tells the haunting tale of two little girls who disappeared into the woods the day that their parents were killed. When they are rescued years later and begin a new life, they find that someone or something still wants to come tuck them in at night.
Lucas Desange
Victoria Desange
Lilly Desange
Dr. Dreyfuss
Mama (voice)
Young Victoria
Mama (body)
Jean Podolski / Mama (Voice)
**Inconstant, it starts well, but it gets worse and becomes tiring and boring. The ending is bad.** Guillermo del Toro has already used us to visually striking and intense films, so I was little surprised to find his name attached to this film. I even thought that he would be the director, but the direction was in charge of Andy Muschietti, and Del Toro is just an executive producer, in a gesture that seems just a publicity stunt. In any case, the film is not bad, and it even manages to create some tension and suspense… but it is still far from being a truly good horror film, mainly because...
Status Released
Original LanguageEnglish
Revenue $146,428,180.00