Mysterious Wakanda lies in the darkest heart of Africa, unknown to most of the world. An isolated land hidden behind closed borders, fiercely protected by its young king: Black Panther. But when brutal alien invaders attack, the threat leaves Black Panther with no option but to go against the sacred decrees of his people and ask for help from outsiders.
Steve Rogers / Captain America (voice)
Janet Pym / Wasp (voice)
Doctor Bruce Banner (voice)
Tony Stark / Iron Man(voice)
Natalia Romanoff / Black Widow (voice)
Betty Ross (voice)
Hank Pym / Giant Man (voice)
Nick Fury (voice)
Thor (voice)
It does feel like a continuation of the first film, which is cool because a lot animated sequels do their best to start fresh every time, but unfortunately, it crosses that line from "continuous" and hits full "rehash" territory. And _Ultimate Avengers_ wasn't even good the first time around. _Final rating:★½: - Boring/disappointing. Avoid where possible._
Status Released
Original LanguageEnglish
Revenue -