Filmmakers Alastair Fothergill and Keith Scholey chronicle a year in the lives of an Alaskan brown bear named Sky and her cubs, Scout and Amber. Their saga begins as the bears emerge from hibernation at the end of winter. As time passes, the bear family must work together to find food and stay safe from other predators, especially other bears. Although their world is exciting, it is also risky, and the cubs' survival hinges on family togetherness.
Self - Narrator (voice)
> A mom and her three cubs' life journey. One of the latest Disneynature's documentary ventures. There's nothing wrong to call it a grizzly version of 'To the Arctic'. Because both films are about the mother bears and their new born cubs' first year of survival in the wilderness, but the differences are the fur and habitat. Shot in Alaskan coast side, the film crew followed the bear family for one circle of a year's season to capture the beginning of the life journey of newborn cubs with their mother. Like the Disney films famous for fairy tales and children friendly, Disneynature films ...
Status Released
Original LanguageEnglish
Revenue -