The story of Florence Foster Jenkins, a New York heiress, who dreamed of becoming an opera singer, despite having a terrible singing voice.
Florence Foster Jenkins
St. Clair Bayfield
Cosmé McMoon
Kathleen Weatherley
Agnes Stark
Phineas Stark
John Totten
Earl Wilson
Carlo Edwards
**Nothing is greater than to have a supportive life partner by side.** I follow closely what films are announced and what are getting released. Sometimes its common that some films comes out without my knowledge, particularly non-Hollywood English language films. This British film was about a wealthy couple from the New York, especially the husband who tries his best to fulfill his seriously ill wife's dream to be an opera singer. The problem is she's not any good. Not just him, but everybody who is close to them and once laughed at her, try to understand them and give their support. But no...
Status Released
Original LanguageEnglish
Revenue $48,902,953.00