Ten years after an apocalyptic event left the world haunted by ghosts, Roni receives a threatening message from beyond the grave. Joining forces with a mysterious classmate, Kirk, Roni descends into a shadow world that blurs the bounds of the living and the dead-and begins a desperate race against time to stop a cunning killer.
Mrs. Calder
Mr. Calder
Doctor Steiner
Principal Pescatelli
Many times there are movies with great ideas behind them but the execution absolutely didn’t live up to the potential. I Still See You is about a world which there’s an “event” centered around Chicago (not sure what Hollywood has against that city) in which specters have suddenly become visible, but only for a few minutes, doing routines they did when they were living. 10 years after the “event”, a government program gone awry, the film follows Veronica Calder (BELLA THORNE) whose father had died amongst hundreds, if not thousands, of others. She’s a typical teenager though living in a worl...
Status Released
Original LanguageEnglish
Revenue -