A group of students investigates a series of mysterious bear killings, but learns that there are much more dangerous things going on. They start to follow a mysterious hunter, learning that he is actually a troll hunter.
E-plant Manager
Polish Bear Hunter
Campsite Owner
Just some quick thoughts...I saw this back before it was released theatrically in the US (iTunes had it as one of its ‘see-it-before-it-hits-theaters’ movies). It was good...the ending was somewhat anticlimactic, but the bulk of the film was solid, aided by a terrific performance from Otto Jespersen as a grizzled old troll hunter who works for the government and has been growing increasingly frustrated with their secrecy. The special effects also were incredible (here in 2012, when special effects have progressed so far, for me to mention the special effects in a truly film marks them as somet...
Status Released
Original LanguageNorwegian
Revenue $4,159,678.00