The story of Vera Atkins, a crafty spy recruiter, and two of the first women she selects for Churchill's "secret army": Virginia Hall, a daring American undaunted by a disability and Noor Inayat Khan, a pacifist. These civilian women form an unlikely sisterhood while entangled in dangerous missions to turn the tide of the war.
Virginia Hall
Vera Atkins
Noor Inayat Khan
Maurice Buckmaster
Dr. Chevain
Klaus Barbie
Colonel Gubbins
One of the limitations of a large scope war film is that you lose the human story that attracts audiences to the event. When something like a war - huge in scope by nature - is depicted on-screen (and likewise in education), you need a human focus to even begin to comprehend the magnitude of the real-world horror. Thomas does that here with the exceptional real-life stories of these women. It falls into the traps that too many biopics suffer, but with a great ensemble cast including Katic, Linus Roache ('Mandy') and Apte's first foray into American cinema, there is space for this film to exist...
Status Released
Original LanguageEnglish
Revenue -