In the 1980s, a team of lawyers takes on the heads of Argentina's bloody military dictatorship in a battle against odds and a race against time.
Julio Strassera
Luis Moreno Ocampo
Maria Eugenia
Adriana Calvo de Laborde
Federico Corrales
This movie rates a 10/10 AND a 10/10 - a 20, right? The first rating is for the superior direction, the phenomenal acting jobs by every member of the cast, and a DP that served the narrative in every shot. The second rating is for a STORY that is vital to tell and re-tell. All it takes is a lapse in attention to allow maniacal, authoritarian to commit heinous crimes against humanity. History has shown us this many times, and yet we forget that we must always be on guard. It is often a downhill slide into allowing some kind of Hitler/Pinochet/Putin to topple democracy, truth and decency. Trump ...
Status Released
Original LanguageSpanish
Revenue $58,424,000.00