Higher Ground is an American-Canadian drama action television show shot outside Vancouver, British Columbia. The series ran from January 14, 2000 - June 16, 2000 and aired on Fox Family. It stars Joe Lando, Hayden Christensen, A.J. Cook, Meghan Ory, Kandyse McClure, and Jewel Staite. Higher Ground told the story of Mount Horizon High School, a therapeutic boarding school for troubled teens, where the students learned to face their personal struggles with addiction, abuse, or disorders.
Scott Barringer
Juliette Waybourne
Shelby Merrick
Daisy Lipenowski
Katherine Ann 'Kat' Cabot
Ezra Friedkin
Augusto 'Auggie' Ciceros
Peter Scarbrow
Sophie Becker
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Status Ended
Original LanguageEnglish