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It's Alive! is a Canadian children's variety show that aired on YTV between 1993 and 1997. Coined "the least educational show on television", the show mainly consisted of comedy sketches, celebrity interviews, musical performances, game shows, and obstacle challenges. In its original six-episode first season, episodes were 1½ hours long, which also contained an episode of programs including Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, and Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons. Starting in the second season, the show was cut back to one hour with the television programs dropped from the show. In the fourth and final season, the show was cut to a half hour. Most of the sketches and the obstacle courses were shot at various locations in Toronto, while the musical performances, game show segments, and celebrity interviews were done in front of a live studio audience full of children at the studios of Global Television in Toronto. A unique aspect of the show was the use of product placements including 3DO, Crispers, and Canada Games. The game show Uh Oh!, which was inspired on a game show parody sketch during its second season, became a spin-off show after It's Alive! ended in 1997.

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Status Ended

Original LanguageEnglish 


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