Cro is an American animated television series produced by the Children's Television Workshop and Film Roman. It debuted on September 18, 1993 as part of the Saturday morning line-up for fall 1993 on ABC. Cro did not do well with the viewers. The show had an educational theme in accordance with FCC-mandated educational/instructional requirements, introducing basic concepts of physics, mechanical engineering, and technology. The premise of using woolly mammoths as a teaching tool for the principles of technology was inspired by David Macaulay's The Way Things Work; Macaulay is credited as writer on the show. The last new episode aired on October 22, 1994. The show was released on video in a total of nine volumes.
Nandy (voice)
Streamer / Mojo / Big Red (voice)
Cro (voice)
Pakka (voice)
Phil / Ogg / Murray (voice)
Dr. Cecilia (voice)
Gogg / Earle (voice)
Mike (voice)
Esmeralda (voice)
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Status Ended
Original LanguageEnglish