With Majin Buu defeated half-a-year prior, peace returns to Earth, where Son Goku (now a radish farmer) and his friends now live peaceful lives. However, a new threat appears in the form of Beerus, the God of Destruction. Considered the most terrifying being in the entire universe, Beerus is eager to fight the legendary warrior seen in a prophecy foretold decades ago known as the Super Saiyan God. The series retells the events from the two Dragon Ball Z films, Battle of Gods and Resurrection 'F' before proceeding to an original story about the exploration of alternate universes.
Son Goku/Goku Black/Son Gohan/Son Goten (voices)
Vegeta (voice)
Bulma (voice)
Beerus (voice)
Trunks (voice)
Mai (voice)
Videl/Pan (voices)
Chichi/Pu'er (voices)
Majin Buu (voice)
If you enjoy my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog :) Dragon Ball Super is the official (or canon, whatever you prefer) follow-up to Dragon Ball Z (yes, Dragon Ball GT does not "exist") and it continues right after the Majin Buu arc. Goku goes on action-packed adventures, finding new worlds, strong warriors and limit-breaking powers, which will unfold through five arcs. This will still be a spoiler-free review, but you should know at least the synopsis of each arc. We will have memorable characters return to the screen, like Trunks or Freeza, as well as new powerful enemies who ...
Status Ended
Original LanguageJapanese