400 years after the extinction of the human race, a small group of humans are revived by an alien civilization. The colony of revived humans encounter struggles with the aliens who extinguished humankind centuries before, while trying to understand and get along with the mysterious aliens who revived them.
This is my first ever post on anything, anywhere ever!!! So Wish me Luck. Extinct features some quite interesting sci-fi themes and ideas in this new series such as the possible futre uses of nanotechnology, time-travel and AI to mention a few. Set in a dystopian future 400 yrs hence, it focuses on the trials,tribulations and conundrums that a nano-regenerated group of humans face to restart society in a desolate and barren world. The regenerated humans have also to contend with unknown alien parasites and the presence of a powerful, but unknown alien power/force. For a lowish b...