Set in an alternate history where “superheroes” are treated as outlaws, “Watchmen” embraces the nostalgia of the original groundbreaking graphic novel while attempting to break new ground of its own.
Angela Abar / Sister Night
Cal Abar
Adrian Veidt / Ozymandias
Laurie Blake
Mr. Phillips / Game Warden
Ms. Crookshanks
For the comic book ''purists'', it was blasphemy. To the racists who were offended, it was an insult. I hate to generalize but when you upset two of today's most toxic groups, that believe they know something you don't, then you will certainly have my attention. Lindelof's approach is not canon and it's fine. Watchmen's current and official sequel in the comic books ended last Wednesday with the release of Doomsday Clock #12 where the long-awaited confrontation between Dr. Manhattan and Superman will finally occur. But personally I think it was a great show. He took the world from the c...
Status Ended
Original LanguageEnglish