Unpleasant events disturb the life of an aspiring crime fiction writer when he becomes a resident of an apartment building teeming with shady neighbors.
Yoon Jong-woo
Seo Moon-zo
Byeon Deuk-jong
Eom Bok-soon
Min Ji-eun
So Jung-hwa
Park Byeong-min
Hong Nam-bok
Cho Hyun-ho
I'm going to start by saying I have always been way more of a thriller or action drama kind of person rather than a romance drama (although I do love _True Beauty_). I initially was going to rewatch Shinsuke Sato's _'Alice in Borderland'_ for the 4th time, but I said to myself- watch something new. I was scrolling through the Kdramas on Netflix, and this one popped up. It's been on my watchlist for a while now but I have just never got around to watching it. I think this series is absolutely fantastic at drawing in the watcher right from the beginning. The intro to the first episode was...
Status Ended
Original LanguageKorean