During WWII, a teenage boy discovering himself becomes love-stricken by Malèna, a sensual woman living in a small, narrow-minded Italian town.
Malèna Scordia
Renato Amoroso
Renato's Father
Renato's Mother
Prof. Bonsignore
Nino Scordia
Centorbi, the Lawyer
Political Secretary
Baron's Lover
This movie is a masterpiece of storytelling. It explores the themes of loss, grief, and growing up in a captivating way that resonates with anyone who has faced challenges in life. It balances the drama with moments of humor, especially in the interactions between the young boy and his father, who have a realistic and touching bond. The ending was satisfying and emotional. The movie also excels in its visual aspects, with stunning cinematography, art direction, and setting that create a vivid atmosphere of the Sicilian culture and lifestyle of the time period in which the movie is set. The cas...
Status Released
Original LanguageItalian
Revenue $14,493,284.00