A chronicle of Gertrude Bell's life, a traveler, writer, archaeologist, explorer, cartographer, and political attaché for the British Empire at the dawn of the twentieth century.
Gertrude Bell
Henry Cadogan
Richard Wylie
T.E. Lawrence
Florance Bell
Hugh Bell
Winston Churchill
Sir Mark Sykes
Despite assembling a decent enough cast, this biopic of the formidable desert adventurer Gertrude Bell is really little better than a fine example of the arts of cinematography in sandy and windy climes. She (Nicole Kidman) is in Arabia as the Ottoman Empire continues to decline and the European powers pick over it's bones. Her arrival in British Egypt introduces her to her first love "Cadogan" (James Franco) - the third secretary at the British mission but that romance, like her entire life on the nearby peninsula, takes twists and turns before she meets soldier "Wylie" (Damian Lewis). All of...
Status Released
Original LanguageEnglish
Revenue $1,592,853.00