Two identical twin sisters, separated at birth by their parents' divorce, are reunited years later at a summer camp, where they scheme to bring their parents back together. The girls, one of whom has been living with their mother and the other with their father, switch places after camp and go to work on their plan, the first objective being to scare off a gold-digger pursuing their father.
Susan Evers / Sharon McKendrick
Margaret 'Maggie' McKendrick
Mitch Evers
Charles McKendrick
Louise McKendrick
Vicky Robinson
Edna Robinson
Good watch, probably won't watch again, but can recommend if you've seen any other Parent Trap and not this one. This holds up surprisingly well: Hayley Mills did an excellent job playing both of the girls. I questioned it once, but I honestly thought it was two different people during the movie. That might explain why so much of the movie looked like green screen even though they established it was a real scene by interacting with it. It is also surprising how much 1961 green screen looks like modern 2020 "true motion" with a almost fake looking background. Yes, it is quite a gimmi...
Status Released
Original LanguageEnglish
Revenue $29,650,385.00