In Japan's Aokigahara Forest, a troubled teacher meets a mysterious lost stranger who takes him on a life-changing journey of love and redemption.
Arthur Brennan
Joan Brennan
Takumi Nakamura
Airport Desk Agent
Girl in Airport
Flight Attendant
Woman on Train
Man on Train
Taxi Driver
**In an attempt to end life, discovering the life itself!** Actually, this was a better film than what I have heard of it. It is like another version of 'The Constant Gardener'. About a man who never understood his wife, feels guilty while finding some answers after her depart. During his attempt to kill himself in the famous Aokigahara forest, also known as suicide forest, he meets a Japanese man who got lost and befriends. While trying to help him find his way out, they face some unexpected obstacles. Beside, the flashback stories were narrated alongside, piece by piece to reveal earlier ...
Status Released
Original LanguageEnglish
Revenue $909,000.00