A surrogate mother harbors a deadly secret desire for a family of her own with the husband who is expecting to raise her child.
John Taylor
Laura Taylor
Anna Walsh
Todd Decker
Roland White
Martin Cooper
Mike Mitchell
Dr. Grace Park
Party Worker
**It's like a falling tree dropping a seed on the ground.** I have to agree with the film critics on this one. Felt like I have already seen this film, but it turned out to be a very familiar thriller theme. It had plenty of issues and the first thing was the main plot in which the story built on. The mother-child connection is a very sensitive matter and that's where the film got stumbled. Even though they wanted to do film on that, they did not convince with the portrayed of the surrogate mother. From the entertainment perspective, it lacked the thriller big. The climax was all the sudden...
Status Released
Original LanguageEnglish
Revenue $30,658,387.00