Returning to her home planet, an infamous bounty hunter forms an unexpected alliance with a team of unlikely heroes. Together, they battle monsters and dangerous bandits to protect a young girl who holds the key to unimaginable power.
Tiny Tina
Claptrap (voice)
10 minutes is and the acting is already bothering me. Why are they all smiling like it's all a joke, totally does not fit the background or mood of the set. How can a movie with such complex and elaborate set, costume design and background can have such a bland, forgettable character with such a boring storyline? I suppose it is not the fault of the movie because it follows the story of a video game? Yet it remains true. I think there's too many characters and not enough time to explore each character. They could have just pick one or two characters for this movie and then add a bit more on th...
Status Released
Original LanguageEnglish
Revenue $32,978,510.00