In 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer programmer Mark Zuckerberg begins work on a new concept that eventually turns into the global social network known as Facebook. Six years later, Mark is one of the youngest billionaires ever, but his unprecedented success leads to both personal and legal complications when he ends up on the receiving end of two lawsuits, one involving his former friend.
Mark Zuckerberg
Eduardo Saverin
Cameron Winklevoss / Tyler Winklevoss
Tyler Winklevoss (Body Double)
Sean Parker
Divya Narendra
Christy Lee
Marylin Delpy
Full review: <a><a> Perhaps no other website has altered the course of the 21st century like Facebook. Its launch in 2004 forever changed the way society talks about social media and connects with friends and strangers, and became the lightning rod of a multitude of controversies. Conspiracy theories, political propaganda, and mass surveillance became the norm. All of it a far cry from the basic “hot or not” site Facebook sprang from. _The Social Network_ takes the audience back to t...
Status Released
Original LanguageEnglish
Revenue $224,920,315.00