After suffering a personal tragedy, and desperate for justice, Jacob Kanon, a veteran New York City police detective, embarks on the search for a twisted killer who is leaving a bloody trail of elaborate murders across Europe.
Jacob Kanon
Valerie Kanon
Dessie Lombard
Inspector Klaus Bublitz
Detective Inspector Rupert Pierce
Marina Haysmith / Sylvia Randolph
Simon Haysmith / Mac Randolph
Simon Haysmith
Detective Sergeant Agneta Hoglund
When a young girl is murdered on her honeymoon, her devastated detective dad "Kanon" (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) joins in the investigation. It doesn't take long for him to discover - with the aid of Swedish journalist "Dessie" (Cush Jumbo) - that this is not an unique crime, even though the perpetrator leaves the bodies as if they were features in a famous work of art. Meantime, the young Naomi Battrick and Ruairi O'Connor are travelling thorough Europe on a train when they encounter the burly, tattooed "Pieter" (Dylan Devonald-Smith). Might they be in the same danger? The story has quite a few twi...
Status Released
Original LanguageEnglish
Revenue -