At an isolated frontier outpost, a colonial magistrate suffers a crisis of conscience when an army colonel arrives looking to interrogate the locals about an impending uprising, using cruel tactics that horrify the magistrate.
The Magistrate
Colonel Joll
Officer Mandel
The Girl
The Clerk
The Lieutenant
Garrison Soldier #4
Garrison Soldier #5
Despite a strong cast, this is really rather a dirge of a watch. Sir Mark Rylance is the colonial magistrate in a frontier province that inspecting "Col. Joll" (Johnny Depp) believes is about to bear the brunt of an attack from the eponymous enemy. Despite there only appearing to be sheep farmers adjacent to their fortified town, he proceeds to indulge in a little torture before heading off to investigate some more. Meantime, the decently-minded official sets off on a tour of his own which, upon his return, finds him also at the mercy of the rather brutal colonel and his henchman "Mandel" (an ...
Status Released
Original LanguageEnglish
Revenue $761,361.00