The harrowing true story of two elite US Navy fighter pilots during the Korean War. Their heroic sacrifices would ultimately make them the Navy's most celebrated wingmen.
Jesse Brown
Thomas J. Hudner Jr.
Daisy Brown
Dick Cevoli
Bill Koenig
Marty Goode
Bo Lavery
Carol Mohring
Buddy Gill
It is a shame that Devotion was somewhat overshadowed with another somewhat popular aviator movie this year... but, it separates itself with a more grounded and dramatic approach. Devotion follows the first Black aviator, Jessie Brown, (Jonathan Majors) and his friendship with fellow pilot Tom Hudner, (Glen Powell). At first, the two are at odds with each other, trying to gauge what type of man they were. Overtime the two grow an incredible bond that is extremely genuine as they persevere the struggles of the war and the constant racism Brown endures. The main relationship of this movie ...
Status Released
Original LanguageEnglish
Revenue $20,000,000.00