The True Story of Ted Kaczynski, the infamous Unabomber, who wants to destroy modern technology to create a world for himself in the Montana wilderness.
Tommy Sauerkraut
Gary Dryce
Mrs. Hill
Ted K’s unforgivable sin is that it is too much like its subject, and both are in dire need of a moral compass. The movie presents Ted Kaczynski as a deranged, sexually frustrated, hygienically challenged, cabin-fevered, you-kids-get-off-my-lawn humorless crazy old coot type – so one can’t very well say that co-writer/director Tony Stone (as far as I can tell not related to Oliver, though judging from this film he clearly wishes he were) is glamorizing him; this is by no means the kind of person in whose company you’d want to spend any more time than necessary, even if he weren’t a homicidal m...
Status Released
Original LanguageEnglish
Revenue -