Eight year old Peter is plagued by a mysterious, constant tapping from inside his bedroom wall—one that his parents insist is all in his imagination. As Peter's fear intensifies, he believes that his parents could be hiding a terrible, dangerous secret and questions their trustworthiness.
Miss Devine
The Girl (Sarah)
Brian's Mom
Cobweb taps into well worn horror concepts and delivers something a little different but hardly surprising. We all know from the get go, what Cobweb represents in broad terms. A tale of a child, locked away by its parents, because its different and more than a little, sinister. Stepping beyond the predictable, is a few tweaks that set this horror film apart. Mostly, in a good way. Cleverly re-working aspects of a classic premise, pays dividends in terms of scares and a surprising reveal. What doesn't work so well, is the family dynamic. We all knows its dysfunctional. The fact its so ...
Status Released
Original LanguageEnglish
Revenue $5,569,593.00