In the wake of a school tragedy, Vada, Mia and Quinton form a unique and dynamic bond as they navigate the never linear, often confusing journey to heal in a world that feels forever changed.
Vada Cavell
Mia Reed
Quinton Hasland
Nick Feinstein
Amelia Cavell
Carlos Cavell
Patricia Cavell
Mrs. Victor
Full Analysis at **- Intro -** Released in 2021, The Fallout is a movie that doesn’t have any reason to exist, if only we live in a healthy world. It’s a drama, full of solid emotions gradually delivered. It is the denunciation of those crimes that disrupt the lives of adolescents, families and communities. But The Fallout is also the celebration of life; it’s a wake-up call to take care of the people we love, of our passions and our lives because one day, what it’s standard today, may look different tomorrow. **- The Story -** It’s an ordinary day. Vada goes to school with her ...
Status Released
Original LanguageEnglish
Revenue -