Sylvia is a social worker who leads a simple and structured life: her daughter, her job, her AA meetings. This is blown open when Saul follows her home from their high school reunion. Their surprise encounter will profoundly impact both of them as they open the door to the past.
Male Nurse
Security Guard
Memory is a quiet film that runs the risk of being trampled by flashier fare at the box office. That’d be a damn shame, because this story really matters. It’s meaningful and real, and it’s brought to life by a pair of excellent performances that really don’t feel like performances. Despite the dark themes, there’s a light Sylvia & Saul create together that’s warm and funny and real (with a bathtub scene that’s as romantic as any you’ll see this year). There’s no neat resolution. It’s a slice of life, and these lives will keep going – we don’t know what happens next. Like Saul, we just get...
Status Released
Original LanguageEnglish
Revenue $313,000.00