Jack Ryan, as a young covert CIA analyst, uncovers a Russian plot to crash the U.S. economy with a terrorist attack.
Jack Ryan
Cathy Muller
William Harper
Viktor Cherevin
Rob Behringer
Amy Chan
Aleksandr Borovsky
Dimitri Lemkov
Chris Pine does a really good job, brings his A-Game. Keira Knightley, well, OK, she is pretty under-rated and ALWAYS seems to bring her A-Game even to the worst possible movies.... and she brought her A-Game again. And Kevin Costner, well he can be off the mark every now and again, but he seemed to try his best to make this movie good. And that is why it's watchable. Pine, Knightley, and Costner all bring their best games to this film and do their absolute best to make Shadow Recruit a good movie.... .... and this is despite the HORRIBLE SCRIPT and mostly incompetent direction. Br...
Status Released
Original LanguageEnglish
Revenue $135,500,000.00