Following the events of Captain America: Civil War, Peter Parker, with the help of his mentor Tony Stark, tries to balance his life as an ordinary high school student in Queens, New York City, with fighting crime as his superhero alter ego Spider-Man as a new threat, the Vulture, emerges.
Peter Parker / Spider-Man
Adrian Toomes / Vulture
Tony Stark / Iron Man
May Parker
Happy Hogan
Pepper Potts
Aaron Davis
I won't complain about the continuity error within the MCU...because no one really cares least of all myself. Well, how do we do this. I mean, it is refreshing that Garfield is gone and with him the Spider-Bully. For Marvel comics fans, it really hurt watching Garfield bully and taunt his victims. Now we have a Spidey that is, well, nice. Holland is able to be funny and wise-cracking without seeming like a, well, a Flash Thompson. With that it beings us back to the source material. In other words Holland puts the "friendly" back in "your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man." And I think ...
Status Released
Original LanguageEnglish
Revenue $880,166,924.00