This remake of the beloved classic follows the raucous exploits of a blended family of 12, the Bakers, as they navigate a hectic home life while simultaneously managing their family business.
Zoey Baker
Paul Baker
Dom Clayton
Unfortunately... rather bad. <em>'Cheaper by the Dozen'</em> undoubtedly has its heart in the right place but what a mess of an execution, they basically come up with as many messages as possible and cram them together - but there's one problem, they forgot the glue! It's just a sequence of points, as it culminates with a woeful, forced family drama. The cast make it slightly more watchable than it would've otherwise been, I will say that - they aren't great, but are predominantly hindered by the lame dialogue and yawnful character development. Zach Braff and Gabrielle Union are a solid ...
Status Released
Original LanguageEnglish
Revenue -